Memorial Day Weekend is approaching which means the beginning of summer for many of us.
In the Central Valley, heat and water go hand in hand and we want to make sure that everyone
is safe as they take part in water activities.
The easiest way to remember how to be water safe is to follow the ABCs of Water Safety.
A – Adult Supervision. This means adults are actively watching children, no distractions. No
cell phones, no reading or anything that will prevent the adult from giving their undivided
B – Barriers. Barriers buy you time to get to the child if a lapse in supervision occurs. Children
are fast and very smart about getting away from adult supervision. If we are around a
swimming pool, the best barrier is a four-sided isolation fence that is self-closing and self-
latching. Obviously, we cannot fence rivers and lakes. The best barrier for open bodies of water
is following all signage posted. If it says “No Swimming” – that means no swimming. Look for
lifeguards on duty as they are an additional set of eyes. Remember, lifeguards are not
babysitters; family adult supervision is always critical. Another barrier for large bodies of water
is the appropriate size, style and type of an U.S. Coast Guard approved life jacket. Anything that
is not U.S. Coast Guard approved is not a life jacket.
C – Communication and Classes. Communication means clearly communicating who is
watching the children and who is not. Classes proactively mean swimming lessons for children
and adults. Remember to check with your community parks and recreation departments for
free or low-cost swimming lessons that may be available. Another important class for everyone
to know is CPR.
Happy Memorial Day Weekend! Remember, drownings are 100% preventable. Please stay safe!
For more information, please visit and
Brandon Chiapa